
〈專家身體技能之特點與對自動化原則的檢討〉(The Characteristic of Expert Bodily Skill and a Critique of the Principle of Automaticity)

Barbara Montero argues against what she calls “the principle of automaticity,” even though this principle seems to be widely held. This principle offers an account of expert bodily skill, claiming that when all is going well, expert performance is automatic and involves neither significant self-reflective thinking nor mental effort. In this paper, it is argued that both the principle of automaticity and Montero’s positive thesis contain plausible thoughts, and a better characterization of ex-pert bodily skill is provided by incorporating tenable ideas from the principle of automaticity, from Montero, from William James, and from John Dewey respectively.
作者姓名: 鄭喜恒
期刊名稱: 《歐美研究》
出版年份: 2019年12月
期別及起訖頁數: 49卷4期: 頁417-454
文章分類: 期刊論文