
〈以梅洛龐蒂情感觀論濠梁之辯〉(Explaining the Haoliang Debate with the Aid of Merleau-Ponty’s Account of Emotion)

《莊子•秋水》中的「濠梁之辯」描述了莊子與惠子在濠梁上關於「如何知魚之樂」的爭辯。本文處理下列兩項議題。第一項議題是分析濠梁之辯這段對話,闡明莊子與惠子各自所採取的辯論策略;筆者將會指出,由於莊子採取了較佳的辯論策略,而且佔據相對而言較為堅實的立場,所以是更有能力的論辯者與探究者。第二項議題是探討莊子如何知魚之樂;筆者將詮釋法國現象學家梅洛龐蒂 (Maurice Merleau-Ponty, 1908-1961) 在《知覺現象學》中的身體觀與情感觀,來發展莊子對於「他如何知魚之樂」所提出的提示;這提示即是莊子所說的:「儵魚出遊從容,是魚之樂也」。

The Haoliang 濠梁 debate in Zhuangzi 莊子 refers to the debate between Zhuangzi and Huizi 惠子over how it is possible to know the joy of fish. This article addresses two issues. The first concerns the problem of who, Zhuangzi or Huizi, is the more capable debater and inquirer. The argumentative strategies adopted by both Zhuangzi and Huizi are analyzed and clarified respectively, and it is shown that Zhuangzi is more capable because he employs a superior strategy and occupies a relatively stronger position. The second issue concerns the problem of how Zhuangzi can know the joy of fish. Merleau-Ponty’s account of the body and emotion in Phenomenology of Perception is interpreted to develop the very clue given by Zhuangzi himself as to how he knows the joy of fish; to wit, he knows the joy of fish through his perception of the ease and calmness of the fish’s swimming movement.
作者姓名: 鄭喜恒
期刊名稱: 《清華學報》
出版年份: 2018年12月
期別及起訖頁數: 48卷4期 頁631-650
文章分類: 期刊論文