Wen-Hong Huang

Prof. Dr., Graduate Institute of Philosophy, National Tsing Hua University
101, Sec. 2, Kuang-Fu Rd., Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan, R.O.C. E-Mail: whhuang@mx.nthu.edu.tw
Areas of Specialization
Phenomenology (Husserl, Heidegger), Hermeneutics (Gadamer), Kyoto Philosophy (Nishida Kitaro, Kuki Shuzo)
Areas of Competence
History of Philosophy, Modern Japanese Philosophy, Metaphysics, Ethics
1998, February Ph.D., Philosophy, Freiburg University, Germany
1991, June M.A., Philosophy, National Central University, Taiwan
1986, June Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Academic Appointments
2008, Aug. -- Professor, Graduate Institute of Philosophy, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
2012, Aug. -- Adjunct Professor, Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
2009,Aug. – 2012, Jul. Professor and Chair, Graduate Institute of Philosophy, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
2002, Feb.- 2008, Aug. Associate Prof., Graduate Institute of Philosophy, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
1999, Aug.-2002, Feb. Assistant Prof., Graduate Institute of Philosophy, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
1998, Aug.-1999, Jul. Post Doctor Study, Graduate Institute of Philosophy, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Research Experiences Abroad
2007, Aug. - 2008, Jan. Visiting Scholar, Department of Japanese Philosophy, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, Japan.
2003, Aug. - 2004, Jan. Visiting Scholar, Albert-Ludwigs Universität, Freiburg i. Br., Germany.
• Der transzendentalphänomenologische Idealismus. Eine Aufklärung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Edmund Husserls »Cartesianischen Meditationen« und Eugen Finks Umarbeitung, Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 1998.
Journal Articles
• "On The Basic Structure of Self-awareness in Early Nishida -- In View of His Discussion of "Logical Understanding and Mathematical Understanding"", NTU Philosophical Review, No. 43 (2012), pp. 1-40.
• "On the Aesthetical Inclination in Contemporary Japanese Philosophy -- An Explication According to Nakamura's Theory of Common Sense", NTU Humanitas Taiwanica, No. 75 (2011), pp. 217-241.
• "The Theory of "Intuition" in Nishida Kitarô's Philosophy", NTU Humanitas Taiwanica, No. 73 (2010), pp. 173-196.
• "The Internal Turn in Nishida Kitarô's Logic of Place", NCCU Philosophical Journal, No. 23 (2010), pp. 1-31.
• "Kitaro Nishida's logic of the religious world: a comparison with the religious view of contemporary neo-Confucianism [in Japanese], Studies in Japanese philosophy (5), (Kyoto: Kyoto University, 2008) pp. 24-53.
• "Nishida Kitarô and Xiong Shi-Li", Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies. New Series XXXVII, No. 2, 2007, pp. 403-430.
• "Kitarō Nishida on Reality and Experience -- Placing Focus on his Zen no Kenkyu", Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol.3, No.2, (2006), pp. 61-90.
• "Heidegger's Phenomenology of Factual Life and The Idea of a Primordial Science", NCCU Philosophical Journal, No. 14 (2005), pp. 107-168.
• "The Idea Of Phenomenology - In View of Heidegger's "Topological Thinking", NCCU Philosophical Journal, No. 9 (2002), pp. 63-98.
• "An Interpretation of Heidegger's "Turn" (Kehre) -In View of His Discussion of Truth", EurAmerica. A Journal of European and American Studies. Vol. 31, No. 2 (2001, June), pp. 287-323.
• "Heidegger's "Belonging Together" (Zusammengehören) and T'ien-T'ai's "Ji". A Comparativ Approch To Their Paradoxical Forms Of Articulation", Bulletin of The Institute of Chinese Literature and Phiolsophy, No. 16 (2000, March), pp. 467-486.
• "Geschiedenheit und Ungeschiedenheit. Husserls Bewußtseinsphilosophie und Nishidas »Zen no kenkyû«", Recherches husserliennes, Vol. 12 (1999, November), pp. 111-135. Conference Presentations in Phänomenologisches Workshop in CTS, Prag, März 1998. http://www.cts.cuni.cz/events/fenomen.htm
• "Pure Experience and the Problem of its Expression. A Phenomenological Analysis", Taiwan Philosophical Journal. Vol 2. (1999, March), pp. 263-280.
Book Chapters
• "On Nishida Kitaro's Logic of Religious Worldview" in Religious Traditions in East Asia from a Crosscultural Perspective, Taipei, Academia Sinica, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, 2011, p. 133-163.
• "On The Study and Development of Philosophy of Kyoto School in Taiwan" in : The Study of Humanities and Social Sciences Across the Taiwan Straits (1949-2009). Reviews and Perspectives, Taipei, National Taiwan University Press, 2011, pp. 253-282.
• "Heidegger on the Disclosure of Attunement and Understanding" in: Understanding, Interpretation and the Confucian Tradition: Prospect, Taipei, Academia Sinica, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, 2009, p. 241-286.
• "Hermeneutics of Iki -- Introduction to Kuki Shûzô's Iki no kôzô" in: "Kuki Syuzo: The Structure of Iki", Taipai: Linking Publishing Compary, 2009. pp. lv-lxxvii.
• "The Shift in Nishida's Logic of Place" in: Frontiers of Japanese Philosophy 4: Facing the 21st Century, ed. by Lam Wing-keung & Cheung Ching-yuen, Nagoya: Nanzan Intitute for Religious & Culture. 2009, pp. 135-151. http://www.nanzan-u.ac.jp/SHUBUNKEN/publications/galleys/galleys.htm
• "Nishidas Position zur Reflexionsphilosophie", in: Epoché und Reduktion. Formen und Praxis der Reduktion in der Phänomenologie, ed. by R. Kühn and M. Staudigl, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann GmbH., 2003, pp. 268-271.
• "Phenomenology and Chinese Culture", in: The Phenomenological And Philosophical Research in China: Phenomenology and The Chinese Culture, Shanghei, Vol. 5 (2003, October), pp. 321-329.
• "Nishida's Philosophy of Religion-Placing Focus on his "Nothingness and the Religious Worldview"", in: Modern Confucianism & East Asian Civilization: Developments in Different Areas, Taipei: Academia Sinica, 2002, pp. 427-449.
• "Zen — Der Sprung in bodenlosen Abgrund" in: Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft Freiburg e. V., Mai 1996.
• "Evidenz und Wesensschau bei Husserl", Deutsch-Chinesische-Gesellschaft, Vol. 3 (1993).
Translations (into Chinese)
• 西田幾多郎:「西田幾多郎哲學選輯1」(Forthcoming)
• 新田義弘:「生命の自己差異化──哲学の論理」『現代の問いとしての西田哲学』(東京,岩波書店,1998年)頁53-79。
• 九鬼周造:『いきの構造』(講談社学術文庫)(東京,講談社、2003年)。
• Eugen FINK: "Operativer Begriff in Husserls Phänomenologie", in: Nähe und Distanz. Phänomenologische Vorträge und Aufsätze, hrsg. von Franz-Anton Schwarz, Freiburg/München 1976, S. 180-204
• H. R. SEPP: "Husserl als Stenograf", in: Archiv für Stenografie-Maschinenschreiben- Bürotechnik. Bayreuther Blätter. Heft 1, 1989. http://arts.cuhk.edu.hk/~hkshp/zhesi/zs1/col2.htm
• A.GURWITSCH: "Husserl's Theory of the Intentionality of Consciousness", in: Husserl Intentionality and Cognitive Science, ed. by H. L. Dreyfus (Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1982), pp.59-71.
Professional Association
Memberships Member of "Taiwan Philosophical Association" (1998 - )
Editorial Board
"EuroAmerica. A Journal of European and American Studies" (Jan. 2011 - )
Academic Honor
National Science Council (NSC) Research Grant (awarded every year since 1999)
Sumitomo Foundation, Japan-Related Research Grand (awarded from Jul. 2007 – Jan. 2008)