Graduate Requirements
- In order to obtain a master degree from the Institute of Philosophy at the National Tsing Hua University (hereafter, the IPNTHU), students must complete 32 credits. The core requisite courses are: Seminar I (2 credits, offered in Spring semester of each academic year), Seminar II (2 credits, offered in Fall semester of each academic year), and Thesis (4 credits). The total number of credits for core requisite courses is 8 credits; the other 24 credits are for selective courses.
- Students are required to take one of the selective courses offered in the category of classic philosophers. The courses titled with “classic philosophers” that have been offered are: Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Hume, Kant, and Hegel.
- Courses titled with “Special Topics in…” are the ones that cater for the students with particular research interest and credits of which are not counted toward the required credits for the degree.
- (1) Prior to being admitted to the IPNTHU, students, who earned credits from courses offered by the IPNTHU, are entitled to apply for credit-waiving for selective courses; the maximum number of waived credits is 21 credits; (2) prior to being admitted to the IPNTHU, students, who earned credits in philosophy-related courses from other relevant institutes of the National Tsing Hua University or other universities, are entitled to apply for credit-waiving for selective courses; the maximum number of waived credits is 6 credits; (3) once admitted to the IPNTHU, students are eligible to take philosophy-related courses from other relevant institutes of the National Tsing Hua University or other universities. Subject to other requirements, students are entitled to waive maximum of 6 credits of selective courses.
Students who intend to waive credits for selective courses should prepare the required application materials and obtain approval from the Academic Director of the IPNTHU.
- Base on the exam results in the English and Logic exams, the recruitment committee of the IPNTHU is to advise prospective students, whose scores falls below the required standard, to take the undergraduate courses of “Philosophical Classics in English” and/or “Logic”.
- An evaluation meeting on students’ progress is to take place within two weeks from the end of Spring semester of each academic year. The purpose of the meeting is to evaluate and provide advices for those students who are in their second or third semester. Each qualified students is required to hand in the following two documents to the IPNTHU: a copy of his/her academic transcript and a synopsis of his/her master thesis.
- Each student should select his/her thesis supervisor and thesis topic by the end of Seminar I. By the end of Seminar II, students are required to present the thesis outline draft in the class. Faculty members of the IPNTHU are all invited to attend the presentation.
- Each student could have more than one thesis supervisor with at least one supervisor being the full-time faculty member of the IPNTHU.
- Each student may apply for the viva of thesis outline during the leave of absence with the approvals of his/her thesis supervisor and the Academic Director of the IPNTHU.
- In principle, taking place of the viva of thesis outline and that of thesis should be at least three months apart. If the time interval is less than three months, the student should prepare a written statement at the time of applying viva thesis and present it to the Academic Director of the IPNTHU explaining the exception of circumstances. The Academic Director will then make decision on approval of conducting viva of thesis.
- Suggestions for thesis-writing and important deadlines:
- Students, who join IPNTHU in Spring semester and plan to take Seminar I in that semester, are strongly recommended to consider the candidates of their thesis supervisors prior to the registration.
- The deadlines for proposing thesis outline: December the 20th for Fall semester; June the 20th for Spring semester.
- The deadlines for completing the viva of thesis outline: January the 10th for Fall semester; July the 10th for Spring semester.
- The deadlines for delivering the thesis draft to the members of viva committee: December the 15th for Fall semester; June the 15th for Spring semester.
- The deadlines for completing the viva of thesis: January the 10th for Fall semester; July the 10th for Spring semester.
- The deadlines for handing in the final version of thesis: January the 31st for Fall semester; July the 31st for Spring semester.