
論文頁數: 41       關鍵字: 封閉原則 closure principle 懷疑主義 skepticism 崔斯基 Fred Dretske 諾齊克 Robert Nozick [摘要]   自七零年代以降,封閉原則真確與否一直是知識論中一項重要的課題。究其原因,除了它本身在知識邏輯扮演的重要角色之外,更重要的是,許多學者將封閉原則視為懷疑主義論證的一項重要前提,並嘗試通過對該原則的反對,來達到駁斥懷疑主義的目的。持此進路主要代表性哲學家有兩位,一是主張相關選擇理論的崔斯基,另一則是以其條件句理論著稱的諾齊克。在本文的前兩章中,我將約略鋪陳這兩個以反對封閉原則來回應懷疑主義的進路,並試圖進一步指出,不管是崔斯基還是諾齊克,都無法如他們所預想的那樣以其理論一舉駁倒懷疑主義。在本文第三章,我將重新檢討關乎崔斯基-諾齊克進路成立與否的兩個基本問題:一是在排除特定的知識論立場之後,封閉原則是否仍存在反例;二是封閉原則是否如他們所言,是典型的笛卡兒式懷疑論證所必須預設的前提。關於第一點,我將指出大多數封閉原則的反例都有其困難,而少數較具說服力的反例,似乎也有將封閉原則視為一個規範性原則而非知識論原則的傾向。至於第二點,我的立場則是笛卡兒式懷疑論證不僅無須預設封閉原則為前提,而且一個有效的懷疑主義論證根本不可能是一個以封閉原則為前提的論證。換言之,不論崔斯基或諾齊克他們的知識理論成立與否,以封閉原則為假想敵來攻擊懷疑主義,將註定是一個失敗的嘗試。 [論文目次] 目次 前言   1 第一章 崔斯基的進路----相關選擇理論 4 第一節 崔斯基的理論 4 第二節 對於封閉原則的辯護 7 第三節 相關選擇理論者的回應 11 第二章 諾齊克的進路-----條件句理論 16 第一節 條件句理論,以及對封閉原則的反駁 16 第二節 對條件句理論的反省 23 第三章 封閉原則的反例與懷疑論證 29 第一節 封閉原則的反例 29 第二節 懷疑論證的結構 31 結語 40 參考文獻 41 Audi, Robert (1991) "Justification, Deductive Closure and Reason to Belief", Dialogue 30, pp. 77-84 Austin, J. L. (1961) "Other Minds" in his Philosophical Papers, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Bogdan, Radu (1985) " Cognition and Epistemic Closure", American Philosophical Quarterly 22, pp.55-64 Brueckner, Anthony (1984) "Why Nozick is a Sceptic", Mind, 93, pp.259-264 --(1985a) "Skepticism and Epistemic Closure", Philosophical Topics 13, No.3, pp.89-117 --(1985b) "Losing Track of The Scepticism", Analysis 45, 1985, pp. 103-104 --(1994) The Structure of The Sceptical Argument", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 54(4), pp. 827-835 --(1998) "Closure and Context", Ratio (new series) XI 1, pp.78-82 --(2000) "Klein on Closure and Skepticism", Philosophical Studies 98, pp.139- 151 Cohen, Stewart (1998) "Two Kind of Skeptical Argument", Philosophy and phenomenological Research, Vol. LVIII, No. 1, pp. 143-159 Dancy, Jonathan (1984) "On The Tracks of The Skepticism", Analysis 44, pp. 121- 126 Derkson, A. A. (1978) "The Alleged Lottery Paradox Resolved", American Philosophical Quarterly, 1978, 15, pp. 7-74 Dretske, Fred (1970) "Epistemic Operators", The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. LXVII, No.24, Dec. 24, pp.1007-1023 Feldman, Richard (1995) "In Defense of Closure", Philosophical Quarterly 45( 181), pp.487-494 Forbes, Graeme (1984) "Nozick On Scepticism", Philosophical Quarterly, 1984,34( 134) pp.43-52 Frances, Bryan (1999) "Contradictory Belief and Epistemic Closure Principle", Mind and Language, 14(2), pp. 203-226 Gordon, David (1984) "Knowledge, Reliable Methods and Nozick", Analysis, 44.1, Jan. 1984, pp.30-33 Hales, Steven D. (1995) "Epistemic Closure Principles", Southern Journal of Philosophy, 33, pp.185-201 Heller, Mark (1999) "Relevant Alternatives and Closure", Australasian Journal of Philosophy 77(2), pp. 196-208 Johnsen, Bredo C. (1987) "Relevant Alternatives and Demon Skepticism", The Journal of Philosophy, pp.643-653 Klein, Peter (1981) Certainty, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (1995) "Skepticism and Closure: Why the Evil Genius Argument Fails", Pilosophical Topics, Vol. 23, No. 1, Spring, pp.213-236 Nozick, Robert (1981) Philosophical Explanations, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1981 Odegard, Douglas (1994) "Knowing That There Is No Demon", Theoria, 60(2), pp. 81-98 Richter, Reed (1990) "Ideal Rationality and Handwaving", Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 1990, pp. 147-156 Stine, Gail (1971) "Skepticism, Relevant Alternatives, and Deductive Closure", Philosophical Studies 29, pp.249-261 Swain, Marshall (1978) 'Revisions of "Knowledge, Causality, and Justification" in Essays on Knowledge and Justification, M. Swain, and C. Pappas, eds. Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London. Vahid, Hamid (1995) "Deductive Closure, Scepticism and The Paradoxes of Confirmation", Ratio (new series) 8, pp.70-86 Vogel, Jonathan (1991) "Are There Counterexamples to The Closure", Doubting, M. D. Roth and G. Ross eds. pp.13-27 Warfield, Ted A. (1991) "Deductive Closure and Relevant Alternatives", Southwest Philosophical Studies, 1991, pp. 104-116 White, James L. (1991) "Knowledge and Deductive Closure", Synthese 86, pp.409- 423 Wright, Crispin (1983) "Keeping Track of Nozick", Analysis, 43.3, June 1983, pp.134-140 Yourgrau, Palle (1983) "Knowledge and Relevant Alternatives", Synethese 55, 1983, pp.175-190

畢業年份 / 學期: 2000 / 下學期(Spring)
學生姓名: 丁磊岸